Month: August 2012

Levi’s Design-a-Shoe Competition 2012
*SO EXCITED* I’ve recently joined a Design-a-Shoe competition By Levi’s! Anyway I have picked the theme Avengers since it’s a recent popular movie in...

Astons Specialities @ East Coast Rd
OOTD – Crop top from Forever21 & Denim shorts I just had to satisfy my cravings again! This time it was Macaroons & Astons!...

In search of awesome food again – Seoul Garden, macaroons, & Ice cream!
I chose to start off the post with this photo even it has no link with my title. I find this really hilarious! My...

MOF Izakaya
My boyf’s anniversary treat to MOF @ My Izakaya. (Thats the whole restaurant name btw, the @ doesn’t mean located at, haha). Its one...

OG2 Steamboat + Teppanyaki
OG2 Steamboat just yesterday, finally successful in planning a dinner outing after like 3 months! (: Was supposed to be a BBQ, but they...

Tung Lok Restaurant – Dad’s Birthday Celebration
Celebrated my father’s chinese lunar birthday today @ Tung Lok restaurant. Its some Chinese restaurant serving set meals & ala-carte food. I sure had...

Indulgence – Jpot
Like what my boyf has agreed, Tampines is really a food heaven for both of us! All our favourite restaurants & eateries are in...

3 different places in 1 day!
Outfit of the day! Red bralet top & jeans. But I seriously regretted wearing long jeans! Was supposed to go Ice-Skating @ MBS today...

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Outfit of the day ^^ Went on a date with my boy last Saturday to catch a movie – The Dark Knight Rises. Honestly, I didn’t...

My art work designs
Had my usual art lesson today. I’m currently taking some design course and today’s lesson is Shoe design – cross sectional sketch. Something new...