Month: January 2013

Hansel & Gretel + Genki Sushi
It has been a super long time ever since my boyf & I went out for a date. And I meant 二人世界!! We decided...

Korea Trip #2 – Hello Kitty Cafe
Was lucky enough to be able to head over to the Hello-kitty themed cafe at Korea I really wish that my house is like...

Korea Trip #1
Sorry for the super overdue post!!! If you have been reading my blog, you would realized that I have actually went to KOREA with...

BUFFET @ Zaffron Restaurant
It has been quite some time since I’ve eaten a buffet!!! Buffets are so expensive and I really needed to save up, but guess...

[AD] Thisire – Desire for All
Sponsored Advertorial: HAPPY 2013 TO ALL OF YOU MY READERS! I have some lovely stuff to share with you! It’s the start of a...

Bid farewell to 2012!
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I know it’s pretty late for this post to be up at this date, but I have been really busy...