Month: June 2014

Food Review: Medzs @ Orchard Central
Bf and I have been exploring different restaurants recently because we realized that we have been dining at the same few favourite restaurants most...

[AD] Glisten Jewel
Sponsored Advertorial: Today I’ll be featuring some really affordable and trendy accessories from Glisten Jewel! Although this is a sponsored ad, I have...

[AD] Uber Mathematics
Advertorial: Maths is never so easy and even though it has been one of my stronger subjects in Secondary school, I do feel a...

Hai Di Lao Hotpot 海底捞火锅
Many have been raving online about the excellent food quality and service at Hai Di Lao Hot Pot. Hai Di Lao serves more than...

[AD] MatchMove Wallet – Now Anyone Can Shop Online
Sponsored Advertorial: Credits: When I was younger, not having a credit/ debit card was really frustrating to shop online. Even as a Blogshop seller,...

Birthday Celebration Part III – Dedication to my closest ones
My parents actually brought me to The Line for a pre-birthday celebration dinner. Not really going to blog about it because I have done...