Did you know that honey is the world’s 3rd fake food? Most brands in the market are usually intensively processed which means that the nutrients of the honeycomb and enzymes are no longer effective.
What you are actually putting in your mouth isn’t real honey but alternative syrups that are used to thicken the texture and provide artificial sweetness. I’m glad to be educated so that I can stop spending my money on artificial / processed foods, and invest in the real deal.
Royal Imperial Food emphasises on bringing top quality, unadulterated and natural superfoods to consumers, and have recently launched its very own Superfood-Booster including Royal Imperial Wild Honey and Royal Imperial Bird’s Nest, which offers higher medicinal and nutritional value compared to conventional farmed honey and bird’s nest.
Bird’s nest never tasted good to me before. I’ve always seen it as a nutritional food product that is pretty much tasteless or just weird. Most of the times, the ones I’ve tried were quite diluted too.
But each bottle of Royal Imperial Food’s bird’s nest (85g) is packed with a full 5g of 燕盏 (Yan Zhan). You can really tell it’s real good stuff. (真材实料) I never thought that I was enticed to take more slurps because of the taste because it was really delicious. You can really see the bits of bird’s nest instead of just drinking pure liquid down. Due to its handpicked and cleaning process, the product is free of bleach and chemicals.
The Bird’s nest is best consumed 1 week after purchase as there are no preservatives too.
The Royal Imperial Wild Honey has been sourced by collectors who ventured into the deep jungles of Asia to search for natural beehives, and is 100% cold-filtered and unprocessed, thus providing an intense and natural flavour. Good to know that the honey is free from pesticides, chemicals, and artificial additives as well. It’s packed with beneficial enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and poly-floral taste of wildflowers.
As the honey is 100% raw, there is actually no expiration and it is recommended to keep away from heat and sunlight for it to last longer. Do note that it is best taken raw for maximum effectiveness and should not be added to hot water or other ingredients like lemon/ tea.
If you’re always feeling fatigue but don’t want to over rely on coffee, consider taking an immunity booster made of 100% sea buckthorn juice which is rich in Omega 3-6-9 and in the rare Omega-7, also known as a superfood. A single berry contains as much vitamin C as 10 oranges! It tastes quite sour and citrusy like an orange concentrate.
Order yours now @ https://royalimperialfood.com/
*This is an invited media event, but all opinions are of my own.