I had a glutes injury for more than 6 months and here’s how I recovered

Warning: This is a really really long post, but I hope that it can help those who are experiencing the same problem as I did!

My glutes/ lower back were injured for 7 months (longest chronic injury ever) and I had to skip all intensive workout during this period. Honestly, for someone so active, this was kinda depressing for me. It might not be a huge deal to some (honestly I wouldn’t have been able to relate 2 years ago before I became so active), but it was really difficult for me given that I have been going for boxing classes almost everyday. 


The main trigger happened when I was overseas while pulling a luggage. I think my glutes/ lower back muscles were already quite tensed due to insufficient stretching before every workout. Actually the pain was not too serious when it happened, it’s not like I tore my muscles or anything similar. But it was probably due to intensive walking for the rest of the week which didn’t give my injury enough time to recover. I walked about 10-15km a day which was part of the travel itinerary, so I didn’t have much choice. Besides, I didn’t think that it would become so chronic. During the trip, the pain was still quite alright unless I overwalked that particular day. 


I didn’t think so much into it and just visited the GP after the trip and was prescribed some inflammation medication and medicated plasters to soothe the pain. But it didn’t get better even after 2 weeks and I started to get worried. Initially, it was only painful when I walked too long, but the pain started to occur even when I was seated down. (which honestly is a huge issue) because how can I recover properly if even sitting down is causing me pain?

At some point, I even cancelled all my events and stayed home for weeks just to rest. Some days were pretty bad that even lying down hurts. And it was hard to even sit on my chair to get any work done. I even bought an OSIM massage gaming armchair to replace my really old study chair to relieve the pain. I was constantly so worried everyday, and it affected my mood badly, especially since I was so desperate to get some exercise done. I could only do resistance band exercises and simple swimming.


TCM: $800

Since western medication didn’t work, I tried TCM acupuncture and medication. The progress was pretty on and off but it didn’t really work. On top of that I had to deal with the fear of the acupuncture needles, so I decided to seek other help instead. 


X-ray: $200+

MRI: $1000

I took a doctor’s referral for an X-ray scan but there wasn’t anything wrong. So I was further referred to do a MRI scan and a consultation with the orthopaedic doctor at Mount E. BUT STILL THERE WERE NO CLEAR RESULTS OF WHAT IS WRONG. I was so frustrated by then, because why I am in pain when the results don’t show anything? I mean I am grateful that I did not have to undergo surgery to fix any torn muscles, but it’s also hard to recuperate when you don’t have a proper diagnosis. 


Physiotherapy: $3000 (18 sessions)

I told the doctor to refer me to physiotherapy and after some research, I found this clinic which is just a few stops away from my house – Core Concepts (Tampines). I started to see progress just after a few sessions and I was feeling so hopeful. The physiotherapy started with massages where the therapist will target on my glutes and back to loosen any tension. When there was improvement, they started going through strengthening exercises for me, where I have to do lunges/ squats/ simple core exercises that were targeted for my specific injury. They also went through basic foundation like teaching me how to sit and walk CORRECTLY. Don’t underestimate the importance of having the right posture of sitting/ standing/ walking/ squatting/ bending down because if you’re doing it wrongly, it can be quite damaging to your body in the long run. 

This whole physiotherapy process took about 5 months but it was also the most effective solution. 

I think the final recovery happened when I travelled in December. When the recovery was at 80-90%, the regular walking actually helped to ease any leftover tension and I was fully recovered in January. I am also currently gymming regularly which is actually useful in strengthening my muscles to minimise future injuries. 


I am so glad and grateful that the emotional ordeal and physical pain is finally over. And it also taught me to not take my healthy body for granted as a simple chronic injury like this can affect my lifestyle so much. And one more thing, I was so glad that I bought insurance because the expenses totaled up to at least $5k !!!