5 Reasons Why Internship is Essential to Your Career | Stroff.com

Friends around me have already completed their internship during school holidays, well.. except for me. I think it is time that I keep my options open for internship opportunities. I used to think that internship isn’t important, but reality is going to hit me real hard if I don’t start looking for one right now. With Stroff.com, I can start my Internship Singapore job search immediately! 

I believe there are many students out there like me who may be unaware of the importance of internships. If this mindset is not changed, ultimately this could lead to potential problems of not being able to find your dream job after graduation. 

5 Reasons Why Internship Is Essential to Your Career

1. A Stepping Stone to your Career

Photo credit: http://splot.ca/writer/2014/163

Being an intern could mean that you are snagging a higher opportunity for the full-term position at the company. Many employers prefer to hire interns because it is cheaper and they also want to “test out” any potential employees that they may deem fit for the culture of their organization. Yes, it’s probably one of the saddest but very realistic truths about internships. Having an internship also means that you have an edge over the rest who don’t. After all, employers are likely to pick the best candidates out of the whole bunch.

2. Gaining Experience and Knowledge

Photo Credit: http://uk.urbanest.com/blog/
Photo credit: http://au.reachout.com/9-ways-to-give-yourself-an-edge-after-graduation

Another sad truth isn’t it? Many job positions require relevant job experience for at least 1 year. If every job has the same challenging requirement, then where are you going to gain that experience? The answer lies within internships, yet again. Internships are easier to find as compared to full-time jobs, but it is probably equally effective in terms of gaining experience. 

Internship programs also provide a platform for you to learn something new from your fellow colleagues or employers. True enough, there are tons of mundane and repetitive work to complete as an intern, but there will be chances for you to learn some skills along the way.

3. Real Networking Opportunities 

Photo credit: http://laughingsquid.com/vintage-social-networking/

Social media can be a really useful and interesting way of networking with people. But to be successful in your career, social media networking ain’t enough. Real networking comes in when you communicate, interact and develop interpersonal relationships with your colleagues at work. Being smart and hardworking is not sufficient if you don’t have the connections. Take the chance to learn from the people in the field and continue building effective relationships with them. You never know when you might need help from these connections. (Always build genuine relationships though!)

4. Get a Real-world Perspective About the Job

Photo credit: http://funnyand.com/working-in-life-insurance-company/

Have you ever wondered how working is like in reality? Perhaps you have always assumed that a particular job is like that because of the surrounding stereotypes. Unfortunately, reality does not always match up to your expectations. #thisislife. Seeking help and asking for opinions from your fellow peers or family members could be quite useful, but the best way is still about gaining personal experience through an internship!

5. “Test Drive” Your Career

While it is possible that an employer hires an intern in order to test out if the candidate is truly suitable for the job position, you can also apply for an internship for the same purpose. You do know that frequently changing jobs can be damaging to your reputation right? But sometimes it’s not that easy to find a perfect job fit. This is when an internship comes in handy for you to discover your real hidden interests. It is better to figure out what you really want before you graduate, and not be stuck in a career that you dread day and night afterwards. 

Most local universities offer compulsory internship attachments but unfortunately, SIM doesn’t provide as much opportunities for the students. Thankfully, Stroff.com provides a convenient platform for me to look for my Singapore internship.

You can submit your personal details, educational qualifications, working experience and preferences on your profile. Stroff.com even allows you to upload your cover letter and resume so that employers are able to search for suitable candidates for their company as well. Besides, you can filter out choices according to your preferences like salary and job type when searching for jobs/ internships.

If you are interested in finding internships in Singapore or finding student interns for your company, do sign up for your FREE “Jobseeker” and “Employer/Recruiter” accounts on the Stroff.com portal now!

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