3 different places in 1 day!

Outfit of the day! Red bralet top & jeans.

But I seriously regretted wearing long jeans!

Was supposed to go Ice-Skating @ MBS today since I had a free voucher. I FELT CHEATED. The skating rink is not only empty with only 2 kids in it (Really pathetic), the ice is fake & its open area in the shopping mall. So in the first place why would I need to wear long jeans?! *Shows angry face at someone for not informing me :x* The voucher ends this month, but if anyone of you are still interested, let me know! (Entitled for 2 person)

I felt really stupid because I went back home to take the voucher as I forgotten to bring it with me. Never mind that. I compensated myself with these lovely Macaroons in the end. Not the whole box but I got to try 2! The macaroons were tea-flavoured & I was a little hesitant about trying but my boy insisted that he would buy it for me since I wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon. Its only $2 per piece! I tried The Grand Wedding Tea; Passion fruit & coconut (What a long name..) & to my surprise it’s really delicious! The taste is quite unique. I went back immediately to get another Earl grey Chocolate. Wasn’t that bad but I don’t really like that particular tea flavour. But if you’re a macaroon lover, you should give it a try (:

Was walking around the whole area but nothing seem to interest me. More like nothing I could afford – LV, Prada, all sorts of branded shops there. So we ended up just taking photos with this Harry Potter statue & left the place to shop @ Bugis street. 

We decided to have a Impromptu dinner @ Ssikkek BBQ located at Tampines 1. Its a Korean BBQ restaurant. The price was quite affordable as well (About $25 per person), and since we didn’t have a proper lunch, buffet was a good choice for us. Its quite similar to Seoul Garden. Quality is not bad, but I feel that the variety is too little. They serve only 4 types of beef & 4 types of pork if I’m not wrong, plus some prawn & squid. Drinks are not included & there’s no dessert at all.. I got bored eating the food after some time, while my boy is gorging down his bacon. I prefer Seoul garden mostly because of the Kimchi soup, there’s also a wider variety of food. I’d rather pay slightly more & have a better meal (: & We both came out smelling like we just went for a chalet BBQ :/

I think he took about 3 stacks of bacon like that. *Shakes head*

& Lastly, a photo that my boy took for me! Sadly, the table is small, so we couldn’t really camwhore together.. 

Will be going to Jpot @ Tampines 1 tomorrow!