Bedding Rants & Engaging a Guinea pig ID ?!?!

I can’t believe this is actually happening, but I’m going to engage a guinea pig “ID” to build a C&C cage for me!! (Cubes & Coroplast, in case you are wondering if you don’t own a guinea pig)

I have been troubled over the type of cage I’m going to provide for my piggies after I move into new place because their current cage is just too small. Just so you know, standard cages sold at regular pet shops are NOT enough for your guinea pigs! I’m so glad Facebook helps in creating a community of similar interests, and I have benefitted so much from these groups, one of it known as the POGS (Proud owners of Guinea pigs in Singapore).

I’ve picked up so many advices along the way, and also learnt that Guineadad Liner is a highly recommended liner for the piggies. I just can’t wait to switch over to Guineadad soon because bedding sucks.

*WARNING, long rant ahead*

Do companies ever QC their products anymore? Kaytee Cozy & clean had cotton soft bedding until the new batch came and I was disgusted at how bad the quality was. I understand that sometimes quality change overtime, but don’t cut cost till this extent.. It’s like thinly shredded pieces of paper, I can’t even understand how is this called bedding. More like gift wrapping shredded paper? When I came home I was horrified the cage smelled so bad, and poor piggies had to sit on their pee for god knows how many hours.

I thought things would get better when I switched back to Critter care bedding, but it smells horrible. Let’s just say that even their pee and poop don’t smell this bad. The material is rather hard as well so it’s not really ideal for them. I did a quick search and realise that other people also faced the same issue.

Now I just can’t wait to upgrade their cage and change to Guineadad liner. Which was so highly recommended everywhere. I heard that you can wash the liner once every 3-4 days in the washing machine. This also means easy spot cleaning – I just have to pick up their poop. I heard some people say they vacuum the poop :0 

And this brings me to the next point…. I’m actually engaging a “Guinea pig ID” to build a cage for me. This probably sounds silly, expensive, redundant to some, who probably thinks that I can save money but DIY-ing the cage myself. But given my job + career commitment, together with lots of things to do when I’m moving, I really don’t have the time and energy to source the materials. And besides, my hands are only good at baking and normal craft work, but nothing like building cages. 

Time = money for my case as well. 

I didn’t actually think that there were such options available but thanks to the POGS Fb group, some guy posted his cage photo up, which attracted so much positive comments and requests, including mine. I casually asked if he can help people build guinea pig cages for a fee, and he decided to do it! I’ll share more once the cage is done up, but for now I’m just really excited for the final look!

And I also got them an air purifier! Wait for my next post! 😉