My super duper overdue post is here, like FINALLY!
My family invited my boy to go for a 2D1N M’sia trip to Legoland and Hello Kitty Town on 5 Jan. I was anticipating so much for the day to come, because I wanted to check out the place when it first opened, and it was my first trip with my boy. I know it’s not a 二人世界 trip but I guess it doesn’t matter because I never expected this anyway.
And I LOVE theme parks.
Roller coasters, exciting rides, you name it, I PLAY IT.
Except for the kiddy ones perhaps. Hehe
I’ve got to admit that I wasn’t aiming much for the rides over here as I’ve heard that this theme park suits children more. I was more keen to take a look at the whole place!
I bet most of us have played Lego as our childhood toys. But going into a place filled with Lego deco and miniature? That’s my FIRST!
Wearing Brushstrokes Dye Tank sponsored by THISIRE
Our first ride – Project X! Also my favourite ride here.
It’s a mini roller coaster ride whereby you will pass through a series of “test” for the vehicle. Actually it’s nothing much except for the starting drop which gives me a little adrenaline. But it’s the best I can find there.
Here comes the Lego miniature! Super pretty and delicate designs. The fine details are simply WOW. The ship can even move along the river!!! :0!!! I could just stand and stare at all these landmarks for a super long time to observe everything.
Check out SINGAPORE! There’s our Singapore flyer and the Riverside point!
And landmarks from other countries like The Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, etc.
I seriously think that those people who made all these are so talented and also PATIENT!! I wonder how long did they take to fix all these into perfect pieces.
Not forgetting…..
JOKE OF THE DAY: My dad DIDN’T realize that all those minatures were made of Lego until almost end of the day, even during the process where he kept snapping photos, he couldn’t tell. WHAT! This is called Legoland for a reason hahahahah!
And my brother likes this ride because it’s a wet game .___.
We also went for the 4D Spellbreaker movie. Everything was in Lego, duh. And it reminded me of how I used to play with Lego. The characters were kinda cute too!
And some photos here with the pretty Lego designs!!
The Lego designs were really impressive and colourful! They resembled the real animals and buildings!!
Pointing to the drum! I used to play drums in my Secondary School Concert Band – Percussion.
In this log ride, my mum & I wrapped ourselves in raincoat like Kiasu people! We didn’t want to be drenched hahaha. I felt that adrenaline rush! And it’s the best when you hold onto the railing really really tired! The harder you hold, the scarier it gets. Try that!
Christmas season wasn’t considered to be over since it’s only the start of the new year, so we’re lucky to spot the beautifully decorated Christmas tree made entirely of LEGO!!!
Look at the three of us with the cute lion! My brother being totally opposite and he wants to look like he’s being eaten.
My brother’s mischievous idea of lying on a railway track, while my boy stood above the MINI tracks. His legs could crush the train if there was any!
After a whole tiring day of queuing and playing those rides, we took a break at the Legoland stores. And camwhored with the toys. “Stabbing” myself with this sword-looking thing. Or maybe not…
Maybe it’s better used this way. *Evil smile*
My boy & I with cute tigers! I like the middle tiger cub. Awwww so cute!
See, another of his crazy idea. Familiar?
Yes, it’s the GANGNAM STYLE. Except that he is riding a mini horse :3
And check this T-rex out!
It was a super enjoyable experience although the rides were not as great as compared to those at USS. I think that I was excited at the sight of almost everything. *Small girl mode* For those interested, I think its pretty worth it! Definitely a MUST for kids and if you appreciate pretty stuff, it suits you too! You can finish playing everything in a day, so maybe you could go for Hello Kitty Town on the next day. Or you can just go back to SG to save on hotel expenses and continue the next day.
I’ll be back with my experience at Hello Kitty Town soon, I hope!