Look, I’m standing beside some army vehicle! Haha it’s actually part of the exhibition at Singapore Discovery Centre (SDC). I guess it seems silly for me to go back to this place after many years, but I happened to have a voucher which entitles me 50% off my 2nd admission ticket. So we gave it a try. But ended up we didn’t use it because it is only valid for the most expensive package..
But even without any promotion, I think the normal package is really worth it. It includes admission to the discovery centre + SAFTI bus tour + a short 3D film. We also bought extra 2 tickets to the XD thrill ride. It’s actually some 4D simulator ride (Pirate rapids) which is S$10.00 per ticket. Pretty expensive :/ But USS transformers is wayyyyyyyyy better than that hahah
We toured around the exhibition and snapped some photos along the way. And here’s my boy signature pose.
We came across this really cute & interesting attraction – On-location reporter
Pick a selection of stories from the machine there & report it on live. It’s actually reported in video and replayed at the end to see how good you have done stupid you look. I think I look like that :3 And I spoke so fast that the lines appearing are too slow for my speed. My boy experienced that too.
At least I look decent here 😀 & I spoke fluent English hehe.
This unprofessional reporter here gave stupid gestures on why the lines are not out yet. Tsk tsk.
We also get to be a ‘General of the Battlefield’ for once!
You can take on any role of the Commander, Leopard 2A4 Tank, Frigate or Apache Fighter to battle with your enemies. I picked the Leopard 2A4 while my boy took the Apache Fighter. We had to wear this headset with the microphone & my boy kept exploiting it! Like totally. I think he just like to play with Microphones. Throughout the game, I was like really blur, fail much. But it was an unique experience!!
We then came across this Singabot.
I was posing for some photos that my boy took for me, and out of the sudden, it just moved & spoke to us. “Are you taking photo of me?” :000000
So we had this interesting yet totally awkward conversation with this robot. Which can really hear what you’re saying and give a super real reply. Not random I swear. Have seen many of these before though. Disneyland’s Stitch encounter is the best seriously. Especially when it speaks Cantonese.
Oh ya, when I told the robot, “Could you please pose for me?” He went like this (LOOK DOWN)
There is a Design Think Tank Exhibition where you have to design toys with their materials given like strings, cups, cardboard, buttons, ice-cream stick, etc. Tempted to, but a lil too lazy this time.
Have always wanted to know if this really works. Think most of you have seen this before. Tried whispering & really can hear from the other side!!
We then went for our complimentary 3D film – Tornado Alley. Picked this over Finding Nemo as I’ve watched it over 5 times though Nemo & Dory is forever so cute! But we both almost fell asleep in the movie. It’s too informational I guess.
I like this photo ^_^
Anyway there’s much more attractions but there’s too much to mention all ~
Since we had nothing much to do, we went for the SAFTI bus tour which brought us around the SAFTI Military Institute which is the training area for SG Army, Navy and Airforce. Towards the end, there is an outdoor exhibition area which has a mini obstacle course plus some military vehicles. Those vehicles are really huge! I look so small beside them :/
So that’s all! Though it wasn’t REALLY THAT FUN, but I still enjoyed the day as it’s something different from our usual dates! Will be going to the zoo probably few weeks later!
& I forgot to mention that SDC has a shooting gallery for people to shoot at targets with their rifles (I think), but it was fully booked till 22nd so we didn’t get to go for it ):