Is it true that birthdays are becoming less important as you grow older? I still treasure my birthday celebrations equally, it’s just that the excitement no longer feels the same as before. #SignsOfGrowingOld
As usual, we had our family celebration at home with my cousin’s family.
I actually treasured this celebration more than my actual day itself as I told hubs that if he can only pick either day, he has to come home for this advanced celebration instead of celebrating on my actual birthday.
Somehow, everyone is also celebrating on the same day.. Because I had so much orders that weekend and I had to push some away. I even considered not baking my own birthday cake, but changed my mind as I just didn’t like the feeling of getting a birthday cake outside when I’m a baker of my own! I wanted to make something really special this year and decided to do a replica of Muffin & Cookie! It’s my first try on guinea pigs so why not right?
I’m also feeling a little sad that we’re not going to BKK this year for a birthday trip. But I’m telling myself its ok! We have better things to look forward to (;
Had a great one with SH and SY on my actual day too! Even though it was a rather failed birthday cake surprise moment (will explain later on), I have to admit I was surprised. We don’t really do the “birthday cake thing” annually and sometimes we don’t even meet on my birthday week as we’re all busy. So honestly I didn’t really expect anything. Well I guess no expectations always lead to pleasant surprises isn’t it?
SH was also late for lunch, and he ranted about going to the library and was unable to find the book drop, had a little drama here & there. And then he went to Bedok Mall instead of Bedok Point. Not sure if he was really convincing or I’m just gullible but I bought the story. Towards the end of the meal, I wanted to tabao my drink, so he “helped me inform the staff”. Shortly after, the staff came in with a plastic bag to our table. Yes, not the cake with a candle but the whole plastic bag.. I mean by then it was pretty obvious already and I was awkwardly smiling at the both of them.
But I was still surprised okay!!! Thank you! The tiramisu cake from Chateraise was really really yummy!
But seriously, Hoshino Coffee, your food is not bad, but service needs to buck up a little more. On my previous visit, I waited 45 minutes for the food even though the restaurant wasn’t crowded. Now they can’t even follow simple instructions. The birthday cake experience was worse than the one we had at NOM Bistro Bar. But to be fair, the cake was bought at the NOM itself!
Rants aside, here’s a happy photo of me trying to cut the cake!
Had a blessed birthday this year 😉
Thanks all for the wishes too!