Kuro is turning 1 year old in 2 days, and looking back at his baby photos and videos really makes me miss the old times. Don’t get me wrong, I love him as he is at the moment, but I really treasure those exciting moments when we first brought him home (Almost like a ‘pregnancy’ progress while waiting for his arrival) I suddenly wish that I had taken more photos and videos of his silliest and craziest moments. I wish I could capture more memories because I can be quite a forgetful person, I remember the sweet feelings, but forget about the details. I never thought I would get a dog (at least not at this age) but I’m glad I did, because Kuro changed my life ever since.
Your definition of happiness change the moment a dog enters your life. Its presence and company just makes your life filled with endless laughter and smiles. There are the good times and bad times, but these bittersweet or happy memories are just part of the whole package and I love them all anyway.
Honestly, owning a dog isn’t that easy too. I’ve done some research before making a decision so I kinda understand what I’m getting myself into. Even though there are tons of other articles telling you the different perspectives of having a furry pal, I hope to share my first-hand experiences here.
Your schedule probably revolves around your dog
This is especially tough if you’re living alone. Thankfully, I stay near my parent’s place and they have a helper so if there’s no one to take care of Kuro, I can still leave him at home. He has only been left alone for a couple of times, otherwise there’s always someone to look after him. But this also proves my point that you will constantly have to prepare a schedule to fit your dog. Of course, there are many dogs who have no issues being left alone, but honestly it’s hard to let go.
Higher expenses
I enjoy shopping for Kuro A LOT. People around me know this for sure. I think I’ve spent on him more regularly compared to myself. The amount of bandanas and bows in his closet is just crazy. His daily meal costs $6-8 and the expenses have not included additional treats/ entertainment/ accessories/ toys etc. There are other types of diet which would cost a lot less, but no matter what, having a dog is still considered expensive, so one has to be prepared and willing to spend on your furkid.
Lesser ‘me time’
Having less ‘me time’ is definite. Kuro follows me everywhere and has bad separation anxiety (improved already though). He is constantly asking for attention when he is quite energetic. You’ll find yourself getting really distracted especially during work and difficult to ignore their pleas. I love it when he clings onto me for attention, especially when I come back home. Less time for myself, but surely worth it!
A lot of patience, time and effort is required
On top of his mandatory daily walks x 2, I will spare additional time for his feeding, playtime, biweekly baths, occasionally basic grooming at home. When he was having diarroea in the middle of the night, I had to wake up 3-4 times to check on him or clean him up. Last minute plans will have to be changed if he has to be taken to a vet. Having a furkid means you have to be ready to devote loads of time and effort for it.
That being said, having a dog is really a blissful experience, and nothing beats coming home to him pouncing on me and wagging his tail crazily for my attention. It’s kinda surreal that it has almost been a year since I brought him home. I wish that he will always remain happy and healthy, and as innocently cute as he have always been!